simply elated.

went for my favourite lecture – LBO this morning. presently, it’s still my favourite cos it’s by far the most interesting one. though things have been a breeze for the past 2 lectures – familiar information, things are starting to complicate. nah not really… but there are different things to be taught. oh well… i hope i’ll excel in this module. actually i have the confidence to excel in pbf and lbo. econs… is attainable though not guaranteed. math… i probably have to burn the whole set of notes and drink it. yes, yes, practice!
borderline day till i saw someone.
a stare, a smile and gasps!
floods of childhood memories came rushing through my brain in waves. or floods. her captivating smile.. those nice white set of teeth! the ever so prominent dimples! and her unmistakenable skin tone. JS!!!! man i felt like hugging her, but i didn’t. don’t ask me why. but it was really nice seeing her again!!! goodness… we said a sentence like,"we have met during the first stage of studying and the last – primary and university" that’s so cool… i love her like i never have to any of my friends. she’s the most honest, most truthful friend i’ve ever had. haha! aww…. anyway, i think i’ll be "dating" her out for lunch on fridays! together with her gorgeously cute friend LL 🙂 behold friendship!
oh.. and her brother. GOD. he was a rascal back in those days. as JS puts it, a late bloomer. he’s accepted into NTU! how cool is that! it’s all good…. the best of all, her dad still remember me!!! haha… that’s what happens when you keep going to one’s apartment. i went to JS’ house everyday after school without fail.. lol.
alritey…. better restrain. but i’m really, truly excited to see her again.
*smiles smiles smiles* 

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