Archive for April, 2009


Posted in Uncategorized on April 27, 2009 by lmfjiang
spoke to salsagal just now. poor gal! down with some rare virus… hope she gets well soon! it was nice talking to her again.. miss her laughter, miss her voice. haha no, i’m no lesbian!!! i just miss her…. working with her was the best time of my life. hehehe…. scolded me for not preparing for my interview. she knows i don’t put in a lot of effort in preparing for interviews -_-"

had a phone interview from 0cbc this afternoon. scary cos i wasn’t prepared for it. again, i didn’t think through my answers again. shit! SHIT SHIT SHIT! probably another wasted interview. damn.

i hate looking for jobs. it’s so… scary. and then there’s this fear of rejection. but i guess it’s good practice since i’ll probably be rejected 7 out of 10 times in my prospective job! thanks to nini, teng and dia for their encouragement to not give up! luv u~~

surprise! i had this friend whom i think is…. a not serious kinda guy. like always joking here and there. tadaa after a few months of not contacting him, he’s suddenly MARRIED. so fast!!!! probably he has a closet girlfriend in the past that he didn’t mention. so well, CONGRATS!!!!

i’m itching! everyone is getting married – except me. anyone wanna marry me??? terms and conditions apply. LOL…. funny of me to be wanting conditions…. hahaha… but hey, don’t everyone have expectations?!! everyone’s giving birth too!! i want a baby!!! but not without a husband. lol… LAME LA!!!!!

today, had a surprise sms from birdie too…. such a sweet gal. u’ll always be my best friend birdie, althought we don’t talk as much anymore. i still think of the times we were very close!!!! and i’m glad after so long of not meeting up, we can still chat a lot!!!! no gap at all! cheers to friendship! to miao miao too!!!

miao miao aka firestone aka bo hu… lol

brought my sweetie pie for a swim today with dia’s two darlings at the dog pool! she knows how to swim!!! but i think she was scared cos she didn’t venture far out. she just paddled abit away from me and turned back and kept wanting to climb up again. but i kept making her swim… bad owner huh…. then!!! this buddy came swimming over at top speed and pushed crystal down under!!!! damn! he’s always doing that to other dogs!!!! and crystal resurfaced tummy up! for a moment i thought she was going to die :S so i hurriedly carried her up and placed her on the boardwalk. she just lied there, exhausted. but i think she enjoyed herself pretty much. hehe

i wanna go kelong fishing again!!!! i’m itching!!! any takers???


Posted in Uncategorized on April 23, 2009 by lmfjiang
for the past week i’ve been waiting for news of whether i’d be accepted for that job placement. i guess i still hold on to the hope that it’ll be a glam job even though i know it’s a shitty job. one has gotta eat lots of dirt, get spat at in the process of being glam. haha. oh well… today i decided to sms someone i got to know at the interview and…. she already got through the second round of interviews. so i can safely conclude that i have not been shortlisted. what to do? i wasn’t prepared at all. i can’t blame anyone but myself. through this first interview to get a job, i realised how precious interviews are. if this is a role you truly want a lot, all the more you should prepare for it. because once you get into the interview room, you only have one chance to prove yourself. i guess it wouldn’t be easy to secure a second interview for the same job placement every again. i wasted my one chance in the first company that i wanted to start my career with. i’ll apply for another post – something more attuned to what i really want. and i’ll prepare myself WELL!
of course i was depressed for quite a while, say 2 hours. but now i’m fine again 😀
during the interview… i heard some funny stuff coming out from especially one of the applicants (it was a group interview). first question was to introduce yourself. so that guy introduced himself, saying he had a company in first year and did investments in the 2nd and final year. and the hr girl said "what are your weaknesses?" he said……. *horror* "i would say…. well… i have no weakness". almost burst out laughing. but i guess some of what i said sounded absurd too. "can you interact with people?" "yes i can. when i meet someone on the streets, i can just talk non stop" and i didn’t know how to carry on anymore. lol… which is contradictory to what i just said. what the hell. it’s over! i’ll learn from my mistakes. my mistake was i didn’t give enough thought to what i wanted to say. i didn’t plan what i wanted to say. and most importantly, i didn’t prepare enough.
and oh, did i mention my princess has fallen out of depression?? she started eating her dog food and is running aroudn normally again! she’s no longer trying to hide her butt!!! and no longer scurrying around like a mouse! she’s the same old dog i knew she was! yay~

my sweetie is now simba.

Posted in Uncategorized on April 14, 2009 by lmfjiang
and she’s not too happy about it. she hates it. she’s been feeling depressed after she got this haircut.


 poor girl. it must have been a tormenting day for her. she was so happy when i held up her leash.. she ran in circles and dashed towards the door as soon as i put it on for her. then…. i lead her to lydia’s car where buddy and junior are already inside. as usual … buddy, being the ever-so-inquisitive dog, kept wanting to smell crystal. but my crystal – like a princess – somehow doesn’t like dogs. i think she doesn’t realise she’s a dog. i don’t know. she has never liked dogs and she’s always afraid of bigger dogs. so with buddy poking his nose from behind wanting to smell her, she kept shivering. it must be the longest car ride of her life. poor darling… sorry, i don’t have a car.. so u have to bear with the 2 big babies behind. throughout the car ride, buddy just refuses to give up. he really wanted to make friends with crystal as he’s really a super friendly dog. and my dog is like.. a socialite. haha.. anyways,  when crystal did not give a damn about him… he started crying. haha… funny guy. he cries al the time. but he’s so sweet. knows how to melt someone’s heart more than any other dogs.
so finally we reached the grooming place. there were several other dogs. must be scary for crystal cos she’s never been in such close proximity with other dogs before. all my fault la! but my grandma didn’t allow crystal to go out since she was a puppy. so even if i were to bring her near a dog now… she’d still be scared. rite? we left the dogs there and went to explore tampines one.
IT WAS NICE. i loved it! went for back massage. nb pain. till now, my back still has patches of red and it’s still painful. but i liked the masseur. she could tell that i was always having headaches and i kept drinking cold water and that i have a lot of "heat" in my body. spot on! then she said i was "七血不同".. which i think was kinda funny. it feels like i was in a wushu world or something. 七孔流血 , 七血不同 , 狗血淋头。。 all the same. why was i 七血不同? she massaged my back. "Ow! pain!" she massaged my middle back "Ow!" she massaged my sides "Ow!" then she said… 你真是七血不同 neh 我按哪里你就痛到哪里!haha.. funny. but PAIN!!!! i feel like i just got into a fight last night. damn.
then, i went to Twister to have a haircut. i like the hairstylist. this is the first hairstylist i like! she’s damn cool. auntie. but cool. haha.
crystal is not eating today. she keeps hiding somewhere. i feel pain looking at her like that. i can’t concentrate on my studies. i hope she’ll feel better real soon! no matter what, u’re still my sweetie pie darling!

chicken dancing

Posted in Uncategorized on April 6, 2009 by lmfjiang
have you seen her latest video? gag to the max. it feels weird looking at someone so skinny dance a sexy dance. you don’t see curves. u see….. i don’t know. bones? it’s nowhere sexy. AND. the music sucks.

my mood now: not very hardworking

Posted in Uncategorized on April 6, 2009 by lmfjiang
or rather, not hardworking at all.
i can’t believe it. after missing a whole semester of classes and with my final year of examinations in a month’s time, i am not studying. how is that possible? what has become of me that i have already given up studies? i have nothing in mind. i mean, there is nothing i should be bothered about except for studying – AND I AM NOT DOING IT. i’m not even attempting to do it. alright i study sometimes. but that mood comes once in a while. like for an hour a day. is that any good? NO. definitely not.
i probably need to move in with my aunt. YUCKS! cannot! But moving in with her means i’ll get to lose weight and study a lot since her study table does not have a bed beside it and she doesn’t eat unhealthy food. haha! but i won’t be able to go out EITHER. HOW? i’m so dumb. why can’t i just exercise some sort of self control? such a failure. urgh.
i know i have to somehow get it together. jobs are waiting for me! (that’s an optimistic phrase. don’t ruin my optimism please) but i need to get good grades (at least for the last time!) i will i will i will, i must i must i must.
coupled with the care and encouragement from my dear friends… I NEED TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!
lol. this is so funny.
u know something which is more funny?
it happened on a saturday night after watching shinjuki incident. i was walking down the aisle towards the exit when i realised my phone wasn’t in my bag. so i went back to where iw as sitting and i had like a whole row of people trying to help me look for my phone. some of them shone their handphones so i could have some light to look for my phone. so then the cinema guy came over and asked if he should on the lights. then… i found the phone. finally! but it wasn’t anywhere on the cinema floor or chairs. it was ON ME. then everyone said "AIYO" and i ran off.
it’s damn embarassing.
ahha. laughable.