Archive for February, 2009

italian mississippi river

Posted in Uncategorized on February 25, 2009 by lmfjiang
first emma come, then i come.
two asses come together, then i come again.
one ass and another ass come, i come again.
two pee together, and then i come again.
vulgar? why – it’s just m-i-s-s-i-s-s-i-p-p-i!
life has been good to me. which explains my disappearance from blogging. it’s not that i’m too lazy to blog or anything. it’s just that… i don’t know. i don’t find the urge to blog anymore? probably because i have someone to talk to now – and that person is not a boyfriend! lol.. it’s just lydia. luv her to bits. if i were a guy, i think we’d get married.
anyways… my internship is ending in 2 weeks time – yes, i extended!~ i luv my boss and my colleagues too much. hahaha.. they are such nice people! it’s such a nice place to work…. pity headcount is frozen. i would have applied for a full time position there 😦 oh well.. i’ll look for other options and try to make a comeback in future. this job has taught me many things… which i think have made me a better person – though i need to stop whining. lol…. i can’t stop complaining about some people. shucks!
i came to realise all kinds of people exist. in many unimaginable ways. there are people who will call for an hour everyday just to shout at you – or that they are feeling some kinda inadequacy that can be fulfilled through you just because you are responsible for ONE account. or there are people who demand your attention 24/7. they don’t allow you to lead your own lives. then again.. there are people who don’t really care about anything in this world and these people kinda piss the hell out of me. i guess sometimes the personalities people have instilled in them are cultivated as you grow up, rather than it being inborn. it probably depends on the way you were brought up and how you were made to handle certain circumstances.